I'm not sure how many of you are like this, but I am extraordinarily healthy. So much so that everyone I know is jealous of it

Here's some little factoids to give you an idea of what I'm talking about:
1) On average, for every two years of my life, I've been sick once (for no more than a day).
2) The last time I was sick was 3 years ago.
3) In the entire time I was in school, I missed about 2 days due to illness.
4) I have absolutely no medicine in my home. No Aspirin, no Advil, no Tylenol, no nothing. I never take these things when I'm sick, either.

I don't know why this is. I never took vitamins when I was little, except when I slept over at friends' houses and their moms had the nerve to force their ideas about health on me (I was always a bit indignant about this). I don't eat well, and I don't excercise. I wasn't a complete couch potato as a kid, either. I was a boy scout (made Eagle), played football freshman year of high school, crew the next year, etc.

I've had about 4 bad headaches in my life, which really frustrates my friends and my girlfriend, who frequently get migraines.

The only thing I have is a condition called eliptocytosis, which is when the red blood cells take a different shape, instead of the normal round shape. It's sort of an anemia. When I'm sick, and the cells are trying to fight the sickness already, if I put a lot of stress on myself, the red blood cells break down incredibly easily.

Two years ago I had this happen and didn't know it was the cause (I knew I had it, though). The wonderful folks at the college health center referred me, in a super-weak, light-headed state, to an oncologist. I didn't quite grasp this at the time, but was pretty scared by the time I got to his office the next day. However, he explained it wasn't cancer, but a condition caused by my disorder. He prescribed me some folic acid, which supes up my red blood cell production (at this time, my red blood cell count was half what it should have been).

So yesterday, after driving back 5 hours after a 4 hour football game, I must have been sick because I felt like total crap. I could barely stand up, I was light-headed, and very sleepy. Well you know what? Cheerios have 50% of the daily supply of folic acid.

I ate two large bowls, and today I feel just fine.

So not only do I get sick under one condition, that sickness is cured by Cheerios. I eat the frosted kind to make the medicine go down easier