I have a 3 year old, I smoke a pack a day, I eat things like little chocolate donuts for breakfast, fast food for lunch, lately for about the past 3 years have gotten little to no excercise. I lead the most unhealthy lifestyle of anyone I know.
I rarely get sick, small colds every now and then that last months due to smoking, but nothing that takes me out. I haven't been sick or run a fever in over 3 years.
I went to the doctor to get a checkup, had my bloodwork done, I expected my cholesterol to be over the top. He called me a week later and told me I'm perfectly healthy... Blood chemistry, blood pressure, everything, A-Ok...
I think it's a cockroach effect. It should be noted the only thing I take is tylenol, for when my back hurts or a joint aches or something. I take that maybe once a month. I'm 31...
I do have issues with dry skin.