I can clearly see that we're just going to have to agree to disagree, so I'm going to let this lie right here, but I have one final parting question...

Couple points on that:
  1. When you take their difference in population into account the number of people killed is a percent of a percent. The difference isn't nearly so great either.
  2. You would also need to look at the number of people killed by weapons other than guns.
  3. You would also need to look at why the people were killed, specificly in relation to the crime rate. It could be that alot of criminals are being killed by guns in America because of situations like the one I described.
  4. I would be more interested in seeing the number of violent murders comitted with some sort of weapon. I think this would bring the numbers much closer.
  5. I don't agree with d33zY's statment above. Edit: Show me more statistics like the one above and I might though.

Not exactly answering your question, I know, just trying to point out that the scope of it is much bigger than your pointing out.

On that note I'm going to step down for the night and let a few others take up the discussion.

Edited by m6400 (11/12/2003 06:14)
- Marcus -