Ha, a 4.5 is barely even feelable. It has to get a bit higher than that, maybe like a 5, before it becomes fun and interesting. If over 6 it stops becoming fun again though.

I remember being in a diner during a minor (4-ish) aftershock of one of the big SoCal earthquakes some years ago. It happened to be on a major interstate highway outside of L.A., and there were quite a bit of out of towners. It is wasn't obvious who was local and who was not until the earthquake; while the out of towners were freaking out and running around well after the earthquake ended, the locals went back to their food and conversations. I'll have to hand to this one old regular at the counter though, who didn't even leave his barstool or take his attention away from his food, and whose only apparent concession to the ongoing earthquake was to lift up his cup of coffee so it wouldn't spill.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB