For those of you absolutely desperate to see yourself immortalised on a web page, here is a preliminary collection of images from the empeg User Meet last weekend. It's a little bit rough and ready at the moment, but it gives you feel of the friendly atmosphere of the meet (and the bad weather!).

Not all the photos are ready yet, unfortunately, and more will be added with time. Due to my work commitments this week (and also finding another job) I haven't been able to stick in snappy comments for each picture to explain what they are. I'll do this early next week, and post a report as well.

Thanks are due to Mo Rolland for photography (see if you can work out which is his picture !) and expertise with the preparation of this website!

Have fun!

NOTE: This web site is not managed by empeg Ltd., and they are not responsible for it's content. The use of the empeg logo is with permission from empeg Ltd.

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015