Yeah, I should have clarified, sorry..

The page itself is actually being created by a database report engine, which the STDOUT will be in plain HTML (which the calling script, done by my web-people, will take and redirect to user's browser). The report will be pulling basic information (what I would like in the main page) and then sub-items, possibly up to 300 of them (what I'd like in the IFRAME..)

If I were doing it in PHP, I'd do what was suggested, have a main page call a smaller page which each do their own thing.. However, I'm required (since I'm working with our custom database) to make a C program to pull information and feed it to STDOUT, where the calling script handles it..

The Javascript example may work just peachy, going to give that one a try..
Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper