Why, oh why do the studios insist that I sit through three, yes THREE previews of other movies (that I do not want) before being able to see Bruce Almighty? It was a fairly funny movie, one that I just might have purchased had it not been for the stupid thought police and their control tactics. My DVD player didn't even let me fast forward or skip through the previews. If I had bought the movie instead of just renting it I would be pissed.

Is there a DVD player that does not lock the skip/ff/menu functionality during these "mandatory" previews?

LOTR extended editions do it up right. No previews, no studio splash screens, no THX certified earbusters, just straight to the menu, and hit Enter to play. I like those. It's bad enough that we have to sit through 20 minutes of commercials before movies in the theater (I've begun to show up 15 minutes late now). When are they going to begin stopping the movie midway to pitch more Coke and Dockers to us?
Mark Cushman