>>-300°C / -508°F
>>Hell freezes over, Finland wins the Eurovision Song Contest.
>>nearly fell off my chair laughing...

>Yes, this is one our friends on the other side of the pond probably won't quite >understand

Do you guys watch the european melody grandprix ? - I'm amazed. I thought it was a euro thing only. I could crawl into a mousehole when seeing the shows. I've allways tought that it was a disgrace for the musicindutri, and for all the musicians that actually CAN sing and produce music. Two or three years back Denmark won the competition, and the two brothers than won for us (The Olsen borthers) plays the worst kind of 1970th pop, with voiceeffects like in the cher song that was popular five years back. My god.. They've been airing on the radio ever since.

This fall my girlfriend and our oldest daughter saw the MPG (Music grandprix for kids) which is the newest addition to the European melody grandprix) - The MGP is for kids ages 6 to 15, and my god they were bad. I especially remember a little kid from greece ages no more than 8-9 years old, and he did not have a tone in his life. That didn't keep him from singing, and actually went to a fourth or fifth place in the end. Who votes for kids like that ? Which odd parants let their kids enter in a competition like that ?

Stock, Aiken and waterman comes to mind ?
