Yup, you've been bitten by the V1-V2 tag bug. I actually made sure to include mention of this in the FAQ entries on tagging/naming, so I'm surprised you didn't find it when searching the BBS.

My temporary solution was to open the troublesome files in MP3Trim, and immediately save them again. This removes the offending V2 tags.

The correct long-term solution is for the Empeg authors to work with the author of ID3Lib so that this problem can be handled gracefully on the Emplode side. The author of ID3Lib has expressed an interest in helping out.

(Yes, I know it's not Emplode's fault that the files are tagged wrong, so from a purist standpoint Emplode shouldn't need to take corrective action. But it would be the Right Thing To Do, don't you agree?)

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris