Well, there are actually legal sources to download tracks from these days. Although I imagine that's not what he's talking about.

I wonder what the statistics surrounding free downloaders are like. I'm sure there are obsessives who've downloaded 50GB of tracks and own none of it. There are others who have 50GB and have downloaded 0.5% of it. But I wonder if it might not be that most of the people have some measly number of tracks that they've downloaded and that's it, and that's all they're interested in. They just don't want to buy ``Now That's What I Call Crappy Pop Music MCLVXIII''.

I know so many people who claim they like music but then never really listen to anything except for maybe three songs plus the four songs they're playing on the radio this week. I think that a lot of people just like music as background, but wouldn't really mind much if it wasn't there anymore. (Unfortunately, I barely get a chance to listen to music as an exclusive activity anymore, but it's not intended as background.)
Bitt Faulk