Most people with a half-decent install and pair of ears will be able to hear artifacts in 128kbits/sec. Very few of those people will be able to hear artifacts in 192kbits/sec, and I haven't heard anyone (1) claim to hear artifacts in 256kbits/sec. (All CBR).

Of course with 36GB to play with and only 200 tracks, you could just use .wav files! (Although you'd have to edit all the tags in Emplode by hand...ugh.)

(1) Here on this BBS anyway. Some mad people on some snobby audiophile sites may believe that they can tell the difference between 256kbits/sec and 320kbits/sec, but these are often the same people who argue about such important things such as, "Which is the best $25000 CD player?". (the answer to which is _obviously_, "The $100 CD player sittting on top of 249 hundred dollar bills",) and other such inane discussions. I thus disregard such opinions.
Mk2a 60GB Blue. Serial 030102962 sig.mp3: File Format not Valid.