I am just curious how many people have just the Empeg installed in their vehicle, vs a dual install of both the Empeg and a CD or MP3 disc playing head with radio? As much as I love my Empegs, and I am obnoxious about showing them off, I find myself a little handcuffed by the lack of ability to pop in a CD. I also would like the satellite radio option. Is this a common story or am I selling out?

I have a 2003 Excursion. Yes it is obscenely large and an environmental nightmare, but so am I (at least the large part, and my wife would probably agree about the environmental part...). I only have 1 and a half DIN spaces, so if I want to have 2 heads, anybody have a solution? Is there an after market box for a DIN space that fits on the transmission hump or something?

Thanks All!
MkIIA 60 GB Smoke MkIIA 120 GB Blue