The Hijack FTP "rw" and "ro" commands are self-contained -- they do not use the batch scripts on the player's filesystems

This is a bit confusing to me... I thought I ran the ftp.exe program from my PC, and thus the "ro" and "rw" commands would be from that executable. But I guess what you're saying is that the ftp.exe command just connects to the player and tells it what commands embedded within the player software are to be run?

Do you see those message(s) ??

I don't think to, but I wasn't looking for them so can't be sure.

It's too late for me to test this here at work today because I can't afford to be trapped here for another hour should I test it now and end up with a media check. (I don't allow myself to look at the bbs until after I have finished my work for the day or I'd never get anything done!)

I'll check it tonight when I get home and let you know what I see (or don't see).

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"