And after you finish that (or before, if you like) I could sure use a vfdlib_drawBitmapScaled() function that can display a vfdlib bitmap, scaling it to user-supplied dimensions. I've had no luck finding an appropriate image scaling algorithm, and my attempts to use the GD library to do it resulted in (as expected) very poor performance.

Probably after. The code for the tuner injection stuff is mostly done but needs cleanup; The real thing holding up this project is that after the last car was totalled the new vehicle's empeg install resulted in no antenna being connected to the tuner, despite what was otherwise a much nicer install. So, I either have to take the minivan (the one I had in Ohio in 2002) out to test or open the dash in the Neon, and with the crappy weather neither has happened. It's a shame, because I think tunermon works otherwise already, it just can't change what channel is being monitored.