Dubious to say the least;
whois manager-escrow.com reports;
Kiril Gantchev
217 N Park Blvd.
Streamwood, IL 60107
Created on: 11-JAN-04
Expires on: 11-JAN-05
Last Updated on: 12-JAN-04
Administrative, Technical Contact:
Gantchev, Kiril
[email protected]
217 N Park Blvd.
Streamwood, IL 60107
The person named above is probably some poor sucker, possibly a victim of a credit card scam. The surname matches to the address in anywho.com. It might be interesting to find out whether this Kiril person has any knowledge of this registration.
Furthermore, clicking on the Verisign identity check link on the site calls a php script at
www.manager-escrow.com that returns a page purporting to be from
https://digitalid.verisign.com. Right-clicking and checking the page info will confirm that the page is wrong - It is neither on Verisign's server or on a secure (https) server. The javascript link is purely to obscure this by placing false link information in the browser status bar.
It doesn't look good.
For kicks, suggest an escrow service of your own just to see what BS excuse he comes back with,