My wife and I went up to upstate New York last week because her grandmother died. The night of the wake, her grandfather woke up unable to breath and was sent to the hospital. While in the hospital (a small regional hospital), the hospital catches on fire (a patient set their bed on fire) and we end up helping to bring a bunch of elderly patients into the ER, which is the only part of the hospital that is smoke free. One of the patients that I bring into the ER ends up dying (fortunately the only casualty). The state police took depositions and one of the detectives implied that he expected several civil suits to be filed against the hospital. There are basically a ton of fuckups on the part of the hospital, but all of the news reports (apparently based on spin from the hospital's parent company) are saying the woman died of natural causes before the fire started. While the woman was clearly in really bad shape, my deposition and recollection of the events are that she was alive when it started and that she died in the ER during the chaos. While I'm not necessarily saying she died as a direct result of the fire, the events clearly did not help her at all.

So given this ridiculous and bizarre series of events, my question is this -- Should I contact the family of the woman who died and tell them what I saw and believe to be true, or do I just assume that they will receive all the opinions/views/depositions as a part of the police reports? I have never been involved in anything like this before, so I don't know how families receive information -- whether they get it automatically, or whether they only get it if they believe there was negligence and hire a lawyer. But all I know is that if it were my mother or grandmother in that hospital, I would want to know that they died because somebody [censored] up.

Oh yeah -- no sprinklers in the hospital ... Apparently hospitals built prior to 1980-something didn't require sprinkler systems and don't have to be retrofitted with them. Think about that one next time you're in the hospital.

Here are a couple articles from the local paper and I'm attaching what I wrote up for my deposition for those who care to read all the details.

This is, officially, the most bizarre trip of my life. This is also why jEmplode releases haven't come out in a couple of days


199092-Elizabethtown.rtf (119 downloads)