I sent my laptop off to have the LCD replace under warranty last Thursday. I have checked the airborne website and it was delivered within 14 hours after pickup. I had to send it in once before for a cable replacement that connects the LCD to the motherboard (2 years ago) and it literally took 2 business days to get it back (it went in on a Friday and I had it back on a Monday). This time, however, I have not heard from them yet (it's been 5 business days). This isn't the problem. I can understand taking 5 or more days to replace a screen and the time also depends on the amount of work they have backed up. The problem I have is when I try to call to check on the status of the order I get stuck in an automated loop that transfers me from automated system to automated system. I have been on the phone for the past 30-45 minutes waiting to talk to someone and everytime I'm transferred from one automated system to another, it tells me I am being transferred to a "customer representative". I know I heard that phrase at least 6 or 7 times.

I finally got fed up with it and called another number (the first number I called was the home & office customer care number), the dimension technical support line (It's the general number from this page), and finally talked to a live person. He tells me that he's in the dimension support department and he can't help me. Ok, so he's going to transfer me to the laptop support department where someone can help me. Great! NO, I just get sent back to the same automated loop I have been in for 30 minutes already.

Their support is great when you actually get someone on the phone but this is ridiculous. I just wanted to know the status of my service order. I don't want to talk to your computer for 30 minutes!
"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will." Vince Lombardi