> No offense, but I'd have to say it's difficult to turn your experience with the product into a universal fact about it.

Didn't mean to imply that it was, hence the use of the word "personally" There were a lot of personal positive reviews of it here, I thought I would just throw in my opinion.

The upgrade to get from 2.4x to 4x when writing Plus discs? Yeah, after the upgrade, and it wouldn't write Minus discs at 4x either. There was a huge thread about all of this on some board where people were coming out of the woodwork to say that they too can not get any dvds to burn at 4x. A lot of people had emailed Sony, who were trying every stupid thing they could think of to shift responibility away from them. This was all when "f" was the latest firmware version, maybe the latest version fixed it, but I doubt it, considering it isn't their fault anyway. Typical Sony BTW, their tech support really is attrocious, between this and all my friends problems, I got plenty of horror stories about them.
Ninti - MK IIa 60GB Smoke, 30GB, 10GB