You're welcome!

I'm sorry you had problems with AVG, Lectric, but I'd have to say that's you're computer. I've installed it on at least 8 systems personally, and nobody has had any problems with it.

As for Spybot, I simply do not like that program as a day-to-day adware cleaner. First off, it's definitely not an attractive or even friendly program. But my main issue with it is that it simply feels too invasive. I mean, does the company accept every single report that users send in? When the program starts cleaning out shortcuts in video game directories that do nothing but take you to previews of the company's other games, I just feel like it might be grabbing too much. I regularly see files it flagged that I do not want removed, and I don't want to go through everything and babysit a program like this. Adaware has never, as far as I've seen, flagged a file that I wanted to keep. Maybe it's not finding everything, but it's finding enough to keep me happy.

I did, however, use both Adaware and Spybot on my girlfriend's father's PC. He had about 600 items that needed to be cleaned (in addition to 61 viruses).