There's no harm in asking...
Here's a preview of the mail I'm about to send them.
Comments please...

Dear Sir or Madam,

I've read that InfoMap Navigator also runs under Linux.
Since my car-radio, a harddisk mp3 player named riocar, also runs under Linux,
it might be possible to use your software.

Let me give you a brief introduction to the MP3 player:
The CPU is a 220MHz StrongARM S-1100-DA, it has 16MB Ram and a 30GB harddisk.
The display is a 128 x 32 x 2Bit dot matrix VFD. The operating system is Linux, and everything
(e.g. the kernel) besides the software for mp3 playback is open source. Detailed information can be found here:

The riocar community made some attempts to develop a navigation software for the player,
but the attempts always failed due to the lack of map data in an open format.
Talking to gps receivers via serial cable to get the actual postion, graphical output on the
display, audio overlay for voice commands - everything has already been programmed and
is open source.

There are a lot of people willing to pay up to 200 € for a navigation software on the riocar,
which would make the player absolutely perfect.

Since you already offer a navigation software for Linux, it would probably be no problem
for you to do a build for the StrongArm processor with some modification on the software
so that it fits the hardware limitations (16MB Ram, small display) of the riocar.
Maybe the software could run as a command line program, so it would run in the

Many thanks in advance

Thorsten Führer
---------------------------- MK1: 00314 (4GB) MK2a: 030103104 (30GB) Installed in a BMW 323ti