Its none of my business what you do in your own home and with your own body.
That statement illustrates a mindset that causes the whole gay marriage thing to be controversial.
Say "Gay Marriage" and the first thing people think of is Sex. "Ewwww-- sodomy, nasty same-sex unnatural unbiblical behavior. Ban it before it destroys us all."
But sex is only a part of marriage. From my perspective, not even the most
important part of marriage. (Perhaps when I was 40 years younger than I am now my opinion might have been different, but with the wisdom of age and experience...

Gay marriage is about civil rights and responsibilities. Health insurance, community property, inheritance, the list goes on and on.
Yes, "what you do in your own home and with your own body" is nobody's business but your own, but it should not be the focus of the debate.