I played this one last night.

The other one, as awful as it was, was better than this. While I'll admit that there were a few okay adventure game puzzles, it was mostly "solve this unrelated puzzle to unlock something", which is the reason I took The Seventh Guest back to the store the day after I got it, ages ago. (Oh, for the days when you could return computer games.)

Also, I got stuck at the computer, too, after typing in DEAF many times, it turned out that it wanted FADE. Asinine. Exactly the way I'd hide a password: behind another password. ("I've forgotten my password, but, fortunately, I remember my password's password, which I obviously use much more often.")

Then there was the green wall where you don't even have to finish it, just get close, probably because it's impossible.

And the endless supply of coins for the pool table, located in another room and collectable only one at a time, just to be annoying. And then arguing with the pool table's interface in order to find the right angle. Obviously, I couldn't just put the balls down the holes by hand.

At least they finally had a map that travelled along more than one dimension.

And I couldn't play it on anything other than IE under Windows because his interface was so slow on everything else. The replacement mouse pointer seemed to be accelerated under Windows and Windows alone. Everywhere else, it was like moving it through molasses. And it was so necessary to have an alternate cursor.

In other words, crap. Give me Trinity any day of the week.
Bitt Faulk