I wish, I don't have the Big SUV anymore and I miss it everyday.

Every time someone is riding my butt going up a hill and I think about hitting the brakes I miss it

Every time someone cuts me off in traffic I miss it

Every time some 18 wheeler just about runs me off the road cause the Little POS I am in can't be seen in the mirror I miss it.

Every time I have to drive more then about 400 miles and my back turns into a pretzel I miss it.

Every time I think I could get out and Push my current car up the hill faster I miss it.

Every time I spend 10 minutes trying to shoe horn my monthly groceries in to my current car I miss it.

Every time I hear the Roar of a Big Block passing me on the high way (kind of sounds like stepping wolf) my current car sounds like Berry Manallow I miss it.

I don’t think I have a single photo of my current car but my web site is plastered with photos of my old beat up SUV’s so dam right I miss it.

FYI my Oregon Personalized plate was AWSM-TK that was on my 1989 ¾ Ton 4x4 with a built 454 Suburban. 9 miles to the gallon up hill down hill over a line of compact cars it didn’t matter.

As for feeling safe check this out.

I had a Guy in a 1995 Honda Accord 4Door hit my rear driver’s side tire on my Suburban and total his car (he swore he didn’t see me)
The engine on his car was pushed back enough to bow in the dash, total damage to my car 1.19 for a bottle of armor all to get the scuff of my tire.

I had a guy run a red light and I t-boned him in an intersection with my 1979 GMC Jimmy (not that little POS jimmy they make now, the Real one) From my drivers seat I could see BOTH of his bumpers I wrapped him around my front bumper like a “U”

Total Damage to my car ZERO.

I have a 1995 Chevy Blazer biggest POS on the planet and I have receipts to prove it. Last year I replaced the rack and pinion, AC compressor, Ball joints, Timing cover, alternator, windshield wiper pump, windshield wiper motor, windshield wiper Mulit function switch. The list goes on and on.
It has less then 70k miles on it.

My Jimmy had 550k and didn’t cost me as much to fix my Suburban had 190k and didn’t cost me 1/10 as much to fix as this has.

Heck you know how to change the spark plugs on my blazer?? You take the tires off (no joke it’s the only way to reach them)

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