been in three accidents in my life all three where in BIG cars, all three times nither the car or my self had any damage,

THird one was in a 1974 Ford Station wagon (With the wood siding I might add)

my mom was at a complete STOP at a red light

Drunk rear ended me doing 40 - 50 mph Totaled his buick dented my bumper and I lurched forward and knocked the rearview mirrior off the windshield,

No crumple zones no air bags no side inpact curtens just plain old american made steel and the seat belt did its job,

I was sitting in the middle on the front seat ,my two sisters were in the back seat and none of us got hurt more then a "SLIGHT" bruise.

I saw a Accident between a 1980's age Surburban and a u-haul truck sure the Surburban had damage but everyone in it got out and walked away.

I'll take plain old Thick Steel over polycarbonite and crumple zones any day of the week, (and all the tests in the world won't change my mind, you can drive what you all want to drive but as soon as I pay off this WHITE POS I get to drive my 1973 Surburban dream truck.

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