Update I have had a few questions so I’ll try to explain what is going on.

I purchased this unit here for 475 as a 12G
When I received it, it was missing the serial cable and 9pin to 25Pin adapter (no big deal) it was also missing the back half of the wiring harnesses.

(The wires come off the back of the sled and after about 6 inches there is a two part black Molex style connector, I have the part that is wired to the sled but I was missing the part that wires to the car. Not a big issue again and hardly worth crying over I just cut off the connector (leaving enough wire to reattach it if I needed to) and spliced on a plug for a factory wiring harness for my car.

Everyone following me so far?

I dropped 2 40 Gig Drives in it and have been using it since. No problems.

I am switching to Flacc once its out of Alpha so I posted about MK vs. MK2 after reading the follow ups I decided to purchase a MK2A (also from here)

The Unit I am selling is the one I purchased here as a 12G I am adding a Second 12G and selling it, with a serial cable for 450 and I’ll split the shipping cost with you, (within reason if you want it sent overnight to a village in north Siberia I won’t pay for that)

I also purchased a Rio branded remote for 50 bucks plus shipping off Ebay I throw that in for 40 bucks more.

First person with money gets it

Paypal is fine with me,

P.S. Judging from the sled I got I was the first person to install this empeg, there where no tabs bent down, I have had the unit for a month or so.

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