Thanks. I know exactly who you're talking about, I can't remember his name, either, and it's now driving me nuts, too.

I asked my friend Maya about this, because she's in the industry and has had a number of different artists illustrate her published works. The name she came up with is Terri Czeczko. An example of his work is attached to this post, scanned from one of her author's copies. I can't find any other examples of his work on the web.

That cover looks almost like the stuff I remember from that artist I'm thinking of, but it's perhaps a little bit too clean and nice. The artist I'm thinking of seemed somehow sloppier to me. Also, the artist I'm thinking of is well-known enough that I'd expect, once I knew his name, a Google would produce tons of results. I'm not getting those results from googling Terri Czeczko.

Anyone else?

246698-Terri_Czeczko.jpg (193 downloads)

Tony Fabris