It's the best free player I've tried yet. It chokes some on my large playlists (3-4k songs), but eventually plays. Moving between streams is pretty fast. The Play/Pause button mapping isn't working for me (strangely the other button mappings do), which is kind of annoying. Audio quality is fine, only slight clicks/pops between songs. The EQ 'Pre-amp' is nice b/c it lets you set min/max volume more finely than my Ipaq's standard up/down volume settings (allowing a quieter bottom volume). I haven't played long enough to know about battery life, but there is a display on/off toggle.
To use it I just copied an .m3u file to my Ipaq and opened that. Straightforward, no intermediary PC or server needed.
I know this is a pretty short review, but so far it's doing the trick. I only crashed it once by digging down into the playlist editor (don't recall specifically - I don't plan on editing many playlists on my Ipaq) Thanks!