Well, I'm just replying to the last post (just because ).

The laptop was fixed quickly once she got it to work. I'd have been able to do the same with an Admin password. They're not telling her that password and they say they won't be telling her. I don't know if her own account has admin access. I always use an account with Admin access - both on my work PC as well as my home machines. She works for the same company BTW. Other department obviously. When I've ever received a system from IT, I've had to reformat and install the OS and everything back myself, so that's likely why I know all the Admin details of my own system - same goes for everyone else in my group pretty much.

For Webroach... No, I'm a PC user. I just happen to work (have for 7 years) on a Mac team. I guess I'm a Windows/Mac user professionally and a Windows user on my own time.

Tony, I just happened to forget about specifying the domain on the login. I've done that at work myself.

So how should (ideally) a machine be set up to be able to use it stand-alone as well as on a corporate LAN? Was it fine before with her username on the Domain?

Now say I'd like to be able to connect such a machine to my home network - to surf the net or to browse my other filestores? Am I going to be able to do that easily while still using the same user login? Or does another one have to be created?

What will be the primary differences between doing this for a wired versus wireless connection?

My GF's machine is also set up with VPN access, but I don't see how this is going to do any good from home if she can't connect to my network. Using it over dialup is an excercise in idiocy because I've got broadband already.

I know this is going to get on my nerves/piss me off if I have to deal with that laptop again and can't get it to connect, likewise if she's forced to use dialup. So, any help will be really appreciated. It will no doubt prevent the loss of a few stress-related years off my life.

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