You can use some "wildcards" for searches on eBay. Say you find 1200 results when searching for a "wombat" and 1100 of those are for a "wassat". Just put -wassat in you search. What I use on eBay to look for Hard Drives is the following..

laptop hard 40gb -adapter -case

There is a town I used to live in where i look for merchandise sometimes. The problem is that there is a clothing like that also has the same name. I use the following to clean out most but not all of the erronious data...

sag harbor -shoe -shoes -sweaters -sneakers -vest -cardigan -shorts -slacks -blazers -jeans -dress -fleece -blouse -skirts -tops -top -sweater -blazer -wool -pants -shirt -shirts -jacket -skirt

You can also group words. For example If you search Bob Bennett you would get auctions related to Bob or Bennett. If you use "Bob Bennett" then only searches with the word group of Bob Bennet would be shown.

There are probably other "wildcards" but I an not using them right now.

Sean in NC
Sean in NC
130gb MK2a w/ 32mb ram
80gb MK2a empeg spare