I just tried to use the logo uploader and under Windows NT machine I had some problems. It kept repeating something about zero bytes read and com port may need to be reset.

This happens to me if I use EmpegUpgrade.EXE before running the logo editor. Seems to only happen on NT. Reboot the Empeg, open HyperTerminal and connect to the empeg, then close HyperTerminal. That'll reset the Com port and then the logo editor will work after that.

I'm going to have to figure out why that happens and see if I can get upload.exe to just do that com-port-reset itself every time. But that problem is unrelated to the garbage screen problem.

How often have you gotten the garbage screen?

Every single time, but only under the following conditions:

- A third party kernel is installed instead of the default Empeg one.
- A reboot packet was used to reboot the Empeg in preparation for a flash upload.
- Immediately after the flash upload completes, an "r\n" is sent to the empeg to make it reboot again.

Any of the following conditions will prevent that garbage screen from appearing:

- The default Empeg software is on the unit (no third-party kernels).
- The Empeg was booted with a physical power-pull in order to get the flash upload started.
- The r\n is sent when the player is in normal playback mode (i.e., it's playing a song rather than sitting there doing nothing after a flash upload).

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris