A review & very detailed information on your camera is available at Dpreview.com.

Your camera is most definitely 6 MP, and cannot record 12MP. A 6MP camera will blow up to about 20"x30" without a problem.

The lag between photos has to do with the time to write to your card. This is affected by two things - file size and speed of card. So, if you shoot at lower resolution or greater jpeg compression, your time lag should be reduced. (And yes, your XD will most likely be faster than your microdrive - I have a 1GB Sandisk Ultra II CF card which can do about 9MB/second - it is noticably faster in use than my standard 256MB Sandisk consumer card)

I don't have any experience directly with your camera, but I do own a Canon 10D (6.3MP) and it'll shoot 9 shots at 3 frames/second before I have to pause. The maximum shot speed & number of frames should be in your owners manual. There's also extensive timing information at dpreview here.

The Dpreview.com site I linked to has very good forums, I'm sure there's folks more knowledgeable than myself there.


Edited by Ezekiel (18/03/2004 11:58)