" Ugh, the prospect of McBride as President is kinda like that nude picture of the outrageoulsy obese woman that someone snuck into your inbox last week - something that you wished never existed. "
Frankly, I might be more partial to McBride as president than Kerry. The Democrats chose this fool based on "electability," not knowing at the time that he had none. Dean might have had a shot, except he was painted as an extremist by the media (and that scream). Edwards probably could have won easily if he had run a real campaign, instead of trying to become Vice President.

The country is divided into two groups right now:
1. NotBush, that would be willing to vote for Darl McBride
2. NotLiberal, that would vote for anyone who even CLAIMS to be conservative

Frankly, I'm scared to death of both presidential candidates. Kerry is probably the more frightening of the two, with his only redeeming quality being that he is unlikely to get anything accomplished so long as Republicans control congress. Still, I can not vote for Bush. The lesser of two evils is still evil. How's the Constitution Party looking this time around?

If either presidential candidate wants to win election, they should choose a running mate that mitigates their weaknesses. In Bush's case, he wants someone that the liberals feel OK about. The best man for the job is probably Colin Powell. Kerry needs someone who appears conservative. One of the many choices would be John McCain. I think the original poster is on to something, but, unfortunately, I don't see either party as being that smart.
