And yes, making copies of copyrighted material is okay. You have a right to make a copy of copyrighted material and give it to a friend. I "believe" this is Napster's main defense in there battle.

AFAIK, this is considered fair use in most European jurisdictions. I will have to check with my judge friend for Croatia.

Anyway, guys, one of the problems is possibility that empeg the company, because of RIAA-whipped anti-Napster, anti-MP3 hysteria, be automatically branded as 'piracy friendly' because of mere mentioning of alleged piracy tool on BBS devoted to its product, official or not. Granted, one could argue that one has to draw a line somewhere, but please let's not do that by puting our friends@emped at risk. (The argument here could follow that on copying from empeg, so let's not reiterate it....)

BTW, I use CDNOW samples to hear how an album I don't have sounds, but I would not feel cheating anyone if I used Napster for that. I end up buying CD anyway. Heck, I end up buying book I borrowed, read and liked!


Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green
Dragi "Bonzi" Raos Q#5196 MkII #080000376, 18GB green MkIIa #040103247, 60GB blue