Am I violating copyright law by making a CDR of that album and giving it to my 1963 high school band teacher

Unforch, yes you would under copyright law as it (used?) to exist in the UK. The copyright is established at the point of creation of the work, and exists for a number of years (50? I forget) until it falls into the public domain, at which point it cannot be re-copyrighted, and may be used by all. During the period of cover, for you to copy this to a friend (and even though in this case you gave it away for no gain) means you made a copy without the explicit permission of the original holder, and you are therefore breaking the law.

Do you suppose RIAA is going to come after me now after this confession?

"Nee nar nee nar nee nar..." (blue and red flashing lights outside front door)

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015