actually, it seems to try to be smart about capitalizing
i havent read the documentation on it yet, so im not sure how it works exactly. but i have to tell it where to place commas, periods and new lines. i tried telling it when to place parentheses but it always ended up putting an open parenthese and then what it hears after 'open paren'
(edit: i just figured out that i only have to say 'open paren' and 'close paren'. thanks, bitt!)

observe :

(to see this is what it looks like) to see

that was me saying 'open parenthese this is what it looks like close parenthese'

if i say 'enter' it sends an 'enter' keypress
im still learning how to use it properly. it seems to capitalize after i say 'period' and also to capitalize any words that it recognizes as a name