Why, again, do people find this show entertaining?
Lately, I watch it only because it's a soap opera I'm addicted to.

Initially, I watched it for the same reasons I'm watching The West Wing now: Extremely good writing, production, and acting, keeping me on my toes and riveted. As well as the moments of dark humor.

And the scene with Melfi reading the note was very funny. It wasn't the grammatical errors that made the scene good, it was her delivery.

Hm. Makes me wonder. I don't see the show as being as funny lately as it's been in the past. Anyone: Have there been any really good one-liners in the series lately? I only remember good ones from the first couple of seasons. Anyone remember these?

"The feds are so far up my ass, I can taste Brylcreem."
"I think it's time for you to start to seriously consider salads."
"And I wanna fuck Angie Dickinson. What's your point?"
Tony Fabris