Or are the "wealthy" supposed to cover the bill for all that as well?

Look, you have two choices here. Pay your taxes that allow the government to help the needy or condemn them to a squalid life.

Also, way too many people see paying taxes as supporting people they don't want to support. This is not what taxes are for. Taxes strengthen the nation's infrastructure. What would happen if you suddenly lost your job and then got sick or had to continue to pay for medications that suddenly increased their prices tenfold? This happened to me, and it was hard. What if I got very sick and was unable to pay for needed medical procedures? I could have died. If the government would have had basic insurance, then that wouldn't happen. If I'd gotten that sick, I would no longer be able to support this country's economy. Unless you see this as an appropriate solution to unemployment, this is a pitiful solution.

I'm not saying that tax money is spent in a manner that I approve of. In many cases, it isn't. But not paying taxes is not an appropriate solution.
Bitt Faulk