#1: Early in development, they were toying with a "standby" mode that would allow it to wake up instantly like Creative unit is described as doing. There were some problems getting it to work perfectly, and since it boots from a cold start so fast anyway, they just decided to have it always cold boot.

#2: Don't forget that with Jemplode, you can even do hierarchical playlists.

#3: More than just very very quick. Basically instantaneous for anything you'd want it to do.

#4: Don't forget the VU meters!

#5: It doesn't exactly show you the track number "from the ID3 tag". It shows you the track number that's stored in the player's database, which for most intents and purposes is same thing. When you first put the song onto the player, that track number is whatever was in the ID3 tag at that time. But if you want, you can edit that track number on the player later using the management software, at which point it'll be different than the track number in the ID3 tag.

Note that #3 is related to #5. The player doesn't look at ID3 tags at run time. Only the management software looks at the ID3 tags as it imports the songs. After that, all song data is stored in an efficient database on the player which can be read from memory instantly. That's why the player's UI is so fast, why song selecting is instantaneous, why track-to-track skipping is gapless, etc... Because it doesn't have to read through ID3 tags each time it wants to do something, it's all stored in the database already.
Tony Fabris