I'm pretty much in agreement with you on what you say here; however -

- Dart Pro allows you to post-process out a lot of the clicks, pops and so forth. It's pretty amazing listening to the result.

- I am not that bothered about the sound quality on most occasions; I have already accepted that by trying this out in the first place! You must bear in mind though, that a lot of the music I have is not available on CD (Angletrax? Agony Column? Ever seen these bands on CD? You can't even buy any of the Clash's stuff on CD, and think how influential they were!) so you're pretty much stuck with your original vinyl.

- There is a lot of sentimental value attached to the old albums I own where both a musical sound or a period in time is irrevocably attached to some important event in my life. The album's physical presence brings that back; a tiddly-piss CD jewel case just doesn't do that for me the second time I buy it. (As an aside, that it the one thing about CDs that I really hate, big-time - those lousy, stupid, idiotic, dumb, irritating, crappy, revolting, soulless, badly-designed "Jewel cases" {Eh? which moron though that one up?}. The damn things break all the b***** time and they are costing me a fortune to replace

- I resent paying for something twice!

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015