It depends on the insurer here - I've never had a speeding ticket (/me touches wood, or wood veneer) but one often makes no difference to insurance, two is bad, three will get you problems insuring with mainstream insurers and after a ban it gets quite expensive, depending on your age and the infringements that got you the ban.
Either way I bet it's not nearly as much fun as getting insured after a ban for driving without insurance! (or worse still, a licence)
One further point - prison is not unheard of for speeding offences - two bikers were jailed for 28 days for doing 150ish, a bloke in Scotland was recorded at 156mph in an M3 and jailed for five months, and a police officer was jailed for three months for doing 130mph+ on a bike. Note that all these people were probably released after serving half their sentence.