Actually, I've just spent ~$11000 on tuner modules (a little more than 200 units), which required a bank loan and a lot of negotiating with the suppliers. The main problem with the supply is that the factory in Manila will:

A) Only supply in bulk, and
B) only to reqular customers for that product, and
C) makes the product to order, which explains A, and
D) only has about 5 or 6 customers worldwide for that particular product

I am, in fact, the only customer in Europe for the damn things. And, of course, take by far the smallest quantity. Everyone else who uses them is basically a car manufacturer, since the module was designed for automotive use. The cost of the things has been steadily going up, and the availability down, since the project started, and I only got them this time because one of the other customers placed a very large order which started the ball rolling. I have received the first 50 modules, and the balance will arrive sometime around 2 months from now. I expect that in fact this will be the last batch I can get.

As of order 305 the cost will have to go up by 10 GBP to cover the extra cost of the modules, which are now about 60% more expensive than when I set the price originally. The web site will be altered to reflect this in the next couple of days. I will have modules in sufficient quantity to fulfil orders to around 400 or so, but after that I'm not sure what the situation will be.

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...