Going to answer a few questions in this post so bare with me.

Proto-type has been delayed the machinest is out sick and won't be able to start on the handle till tuesday.
Yes it will come with a matching handle the handle will be 3 pieces to save on cost and will be drilled and
tapped to form a handle.

"Any chance that the machine shop can cut wax fascias?"

Answer Wax ???? Ok I am confused why you would want one in wax? it would melt in a hot car and make a mess

"I'd be interested in a black one. whats the cost?"

Answer I am still waiting on a quote back from the plater

"I know you said the machine shop didn't want to do brushed aluminum without a minimum quantity of 25.
Are they dead set on that figure, or could they perhaps lower it to 10 or so if we paid a premium over the
other three styles?"

Answer Currently the machine shop is back peddeling on the amount I have to order, I told him 25 or so he heard
what he wanted and is he is trying to get my to order 50 at a time thats a bit more cash then I have to spare,
if he is dead set on that number I would try and except pre-orders to off set the amount of cash I have to
output. As for brushed style its the plater that would be doing that and I am still waiting to here back from them.

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