Do you put the whole moulding in a bag and then pull a vacuum on that bag. Do you need speacil bags or can you use anything.
Well you dont really use a bag per-se. We just use poly plastic sheeting cut to fit. One piece on the workbench and the other piece over the top of the part, with some batting/breather fabric and another fabric called peel-ply. You stick the two pieces of poly together with something that we call "monkey-[censored]" but is just a sticky kind of dope. Kinda like what you would use to seal up leaky windows on your house.

I haven't got a vacum pump but can probably cobble something together...
We've got a nice homebuilt one that one of the guys put together. Ill see if I can take a couple of pics of tomorrow, and get the specs for the pump too.

I cant think of any websites off the top of my head, but we have this book by the Gougeon brothers at school, and its really good at describing the different processes for using epoxy and glass. Gets a little technical in regards to boat construction though.
The Gougeon brothers (innovated epoxy/glass techniques founders of WEST System epoxies) also have a couple of short paperback pamphlet/manual type books on glasswork. The one that comes to mind is called "Vacuum Bagging Techniques". That would be a really good one to start with. (Its listed about half to 3/4 of the way down the page in the link below)

This site that I just found has everything you'd need to get started.
Never shopped there myself, but the page above has everything that we use everyday.

Ill take a walk around the shop tomorrow and see if anybody's got anything laid up.
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.