I'm posting this everywhere I post to, to get the best chance of a positive result. Sorry
I need help finding an album. It's a rare one and I've exhausted what limited sources I have. So, here's what I'm asking of you folks:
The next time you're in a record store that has vinyl, or if you have any sources that are good for finding albums,
please look out for:
Screaming Trees - Clairvoyance
It's the first Screaming Trees album, it's only on vinyl, and I haven't been able to find it anywhere. This is my all-time favorite band, and I'm sure you can understand what it's like to not be able to get music by your favorite group or artist. All but one track on this album are completely new to me.
Thanks for any help I can get.
ps-here are some links:
Sweet Oblivion - the albums page on a fansite. the listing is about a third of the way down the page.