I also had good luck with eLoan.com, although the last new-car dealership I bought from absolutely refused to take a check from *any* online institution (!). They agreed to beat the online rate with a local bank. I should've walked,

Yeah, the mean bad evil bastards for refusing to take drafts (they often aren't real checks) from institutions notorious for not paying them. eLOAN is the worst offender for this. Greedy bastards, expecting payment for their goods and services. How dare they!

As for everyone's endorsement of capital one, I'll have to agree. These are the only ones I am willing to accept (even tho more than 9 times out of ten I can beat their rates). I had someone else using my credit cards last month, and they had called me in less than an hour to inquire about the jump in activity, therefore I love them. Never any problems, unlike several other banks.

"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." -Susan B Anthony