Ah, yes, our resident dealer weighs in.... Welcome and howdy

... from institutions notorious for not paying them.

A. That's between you and eLoan, not between you and me. (I'm currently dealing with the same thing re: a "doubled" ACH debit; when payer and payee go at it, it's the consumer in the middle who is often left holding the bag, not the 2 squabbling businesses. Hence my point: I was lucky I wasn't *forced* to walk away.)
2. How would I even know of this supposed notoriety, since you're the first person in all this time who has even suggested a problem? Seems like it would be in all the papers....
III. How does eLoan stay in business while continuing to defraud dealers? Seems to me like a business practice doomed to fail, and in relatively short order. Namely, *nobody* would take their paper.

P.S. Oh, and refusing to accept payment from *any* online institution is just silly: As you undoubtedly know, PeopleFirst *is* Capital One.

Edited by DLF (11/05/2004 16:36)
-- DLF