The only way you would want to use ID tags in this situation is if you wanted to classify different areas of your page. For example, you could create the following DIV tags to section out your code:
<div id="featuredLinks">
<div id="reference">
<div id="shopping">
...and so on. This may or may not be beneficial for several reasons. ID tags acts as anchor tags, which replace the classic HTML <a id="anchor" name="anchor"></a> line. ID tags also allow you to apply a selector to a specific inside HTML element by simply stating the selector first, like so:
#featuredLinks a:link { color: red; text-decoration: underline }
#reference a:link { color: blue; text-decoration: none }
In other words, by naming the ID selector and then the specific HTML element (in this case an anchor tag), we can specify that the links in your Featured Links selection be red in color and have and underline, whereas the links in your Reference section be blue with no underline.
By grouping an entire section in a DIV with and ID selector (i.e., <div id="navigation">) you are able to effect that entire section with a couple of rules.
I hope this makes sense.