Unfortunately the only real option for good low light and wide angle performance (she will need wide angle for the interiors) is a DSLR. No other digital camera comes close to a DSLR when it comes to low light.
There really is a massive difference between "normal" digi cameras and DSLR in this area.
The Canon Digital Rebel with the kit lens would be good for this type of task. It would also be no harder to use than any other digital camera, all you need to do is put it on programme mode and set the ISO to 1600. Then just press the shutter release. A DSLR might look more complicated than other cameras but they aren't really if you just leave it on dummies (no offence intended) mode.
Unfortunately of course it doesn't meet the requirements of small size and low-ish cost.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday