I don't really think a DSLR is the only option for wide angle and low light. For one things most DSLR's are very expensive to get to wide angles unless you get the digital rebel w/ it's special lenses. A less expensive option might be a more pro-oriented digital camera like the Minotla Dimage series or the Canon G5 or similar. Those are both very capable digital cameras which will have little trouble with digital noise in low light situations. Really for low light non-flash pictures your only real options is a tripod- no matter what camera you buy. Remember no matter how good the camera is- optics are always a limitation and you can't change the laws of optics. So my advice is get a decent digital camera (unless you can afford a DSLR), and get either a monopod and/or tripod and learn how to use it. Otherwise don't expect to get decent low-light pictures with any camera.