If you had the decision to make all over again, would you still pay a little more for the 10D

Ah yes, good question.

I definitely wouldn't have bought the 300D (Rebel). It has just too many reduced features that I would miss over the 10D. The look of it also puts me off, it is going to look odd attached to large black lenses (I know looks shouldn't be high up the list on choosing a DSLR, but they are).

Would I have bought a Nikon D70. That one is a trickier question. I don't know much about the Nikon range of lenses, because when I was buying a DSLR there wasn't a Nikon body that I was considering. I get the feeling (possibly wrongly) that they don't have the same range of lenses at the price point I was looking at). I also get slightly put off by the feeling that the compatibility of Nikon lenses is confused, there seem to be some lenses in their range that you can use and some that you can't (though of course Canon have confused this as well now, with the EF-S that only the 300D can use).

If I was buying a DSLR now and was forced to buy it today it would probably be the 10D (but I would have to test out a D70 though to see how much faster it was). If however I was buying one and could wait a while then I wait to see what happened with the 10DII whenever it appears (has to appear this year surely).

I'm quite sure that the 10D replacement will be as good if not better than the Nikon D70 (all it really needs is faster operation and better white balance). No doubt at sometime in the future I'll buy a 10DII or 10DIII...

I do hope that one day Canon put a full frame sensor in a 10D sized camera. I would love full frame, but I don't think that I am not the only person who doesn't want to be stuck with a monster sized camera just so I can go full frame.

Oh, and please, please, please Canon can you put a permanently visible ISO display on all future cameras. I am fed up with taking shots at 1600 when I want 400 !
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday